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Hope for Trisomy 13 and 18 is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) created in honor and memory of all living and nonliving children with Trisomy 13 and 18 and Related Conditions. The organization is now doing business as simply HOPE FOR TRISOMY to better represent its broader scope. The Board of Directors is made up of families with living and nonliving children with these conditions. 

Trisomy children are like lightning bugs (fireflies): they shine bright and bring joy and wonder into this world


Frederick Jr

Emery Giovanni Banda


Fredrick lived 11 wonderful years. He is truly a full trisomy 13 soldier after everything he went through; hospital stays, multi -specialty doctor visits, surgeries, therapies, etc

Emery was the definition of a warrior. Although Emery lived a short life she touched the lives of all her family in so many ways.


When facing a Trisomy diagnosis it's crucial to connect with others who have been through it before and can offer advice on Trisomy-friendly hospitals and doctors. We are trying to end the discrimination associated with a rare Trisomy, but we are not there yet. Find ways to connect with other familes


Aiden Jax


We hold an annual "Trisomy Lightning Bug 5k" each year in March (Trisomy Awareness Month) in Arlington, TX. Click the circle below to get more details on how to register or help during, after, or before the 5k.

Aiden Jax Gonzalez was born 7/27/18 at 10:19 am and sadly went to heaven the same day at 3:25 pm. He lived a beautiful 5 hrs/6 mins. At my 14 wk ultrasound scan Aiden was found to have Trisomy 13. The specialist asked me to terminate my pregnancy which I refused immediately, with prayers/faith/hope I continued my pregnancy hoping for a miracle and that Aiden would be healthy.

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Will James Cowen

 We believe that God chose us to be his parents and to be able to provide the most unconditional kind of love during his time on earth. He brought my husband and I closer to God and we are so grateful to have had our special moments with him.

© 2018 Hope for Trisomy 13 and 18, Inc.


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Arlington, TX 76012



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