Trisomy Lightning Bug 5k
Join us for our annual 5k on March 16, 2024 in Arlington, TX!
Join us each year in March to celebrate all trisomy babies, and in memory of Addalyn and Hannah's birthdays, in Arlington, TX at River Legacy Park. March is Trisomy Awareness Month (since it is the third month of the year, and a trisomy means there are 3 copies of a chromosome). Addalyn and Hannah were both born in March so we also use the 5k to in memory of their birthdays in heaven. Hannah and Addy brought so much joy to their families, as do all children with a Trisomy diagnosis; through hosting our annual 5k we hope to bring awareness to a diagnosis that many doctors do not give any hope for. We want others to see there is not only hope, there is also so much joy in the journey! Please come out and join us in March if you're in the area, or consider helping support us if you're not. All proceeds raised from the 5k each year go towards helpnig fund research, supporting the annual SOFT conference for families who have a child with a Trisomy diagnosis, and to also support our care packages that are sent to families facing a Trisomy diagnosis, to help give a glimmer of hope in a time that might seem hopeless.